Before any of our candidates attend an interview, we invite them in for a briefing. We will provide them with as much information on the job as possible including a job description; the organisation; the culture and the person who will be conducting the interview. Where necessary we will give them advice on interview techniques and we will even help with travel directions to get them there!
Hot tips for a successful interview
Get to know the company
Do your homework on the company - learn as much as possible about its services, products, customers and competition. Search company websites for mission statements, product and service information. Print off any relevant information and interesting facts and figures. There is no excuse not to know something about the company before your interview.
If you don’t have access to the internet then telephone the company and ask for a company brochure to be sent in advance.
You will impress the interviewer if you learn about the company - it shows you are genuinely interested in working for them. The more you know about the company and what it stands for, the better chance you have of selling yourself.
Plan how to present your skills and application to the role and what information you would like to know.
Re-read your CV and make any notes on your CV which are particularly relevant to the job in question.
Think of questions beforehand which you would like to ask i.e. is there on-the-job training; what are the prospects for promotion.
Learn two or three facts about the company and/or its products, so you will sound well-informed at the interview.
What to take with you
A copy of your CV, any references, a notepad, pen and a prepared list of questions that you wish to ask at the end of the interview. Only take one bag with you - and don’t forget your travel directions.
I was introduced to Delaney Browne through a friend who had previously had a positive experience with the agency. The service they offered to help find me temporary work was fantastic. The interview preparation and information about the jobs I was put forward to was thorough and really paid off in securing work. In general I have found the process of temping for Delaney Browne very smooth and easy, from being kept updated by my consultant to being paid promptly. I have always found Delaney Browne staff to be very helpful, always returning my calls and treating me with a friendly and upbeat manner. The encouragement and post-interview accolade I received from my consultant has also been invaluable in helping me to feel confident and progress in the workplace as well as painting a very positive picture of Delaney Browne in general.
Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.
Be Honest
Stick to the facts, never lie - it may come back to haunt you.
If You First Don't Succeed
While job rejection can be an emotionally painful process, you should distinguish between the issue of personal rejection and rejection as an employee for a particular position. Remember, the interviewer has to pick the person who will best fill the position. If you are not that person, use the rejection as an opportunity to learn, to change certain interview-related behaviours, or to acquire extra training and/or experience.
If you have attended an interview arranged by Delaney Browne, then we will give you honest feedback from the client (whether successful or not) and where appropriate give you advice on how to present yourself differently at future interviews.
Above all, remember that attending an interview in itself is a fantastic achievement. You may have been selected above many others. If you are getting second interviews you are obviously doing something right. Continue to work on your interview skills and as with many things in life, the more you do something, the better you get at it.