The very first step
Whenever you are looking for a new job, whether it is a permanent or temporary one, you will have to provide a CV - Curriculum Vitae. This is a tool to sell your skills, qualifications and experience to a potential employer, who can see at a glance how you might perform in a particular role. So getting it right is extremely important.
If you are looking for a permanent job then we first ask you to send a copy of your current CV to us by email. We will always acknowledge any correspondence and where appropriate we will invite you to come and register at our office.
Rest Assured
We ensure total confidentiality at all times.
Great news - you have an interview!
Firstly, CONGRATULATIONS! Reaching this stage is a mark of success - your CV has already identified you as a serious candidate. You have convinced the potential employer on paper that you are capable of doing the job - now you are going to be given the chance to prove it face to face.
Interviews are a two way process - the interviewer needs to find out if you are right for the company and you need to find out if the company is right for you!
I would like to extend my appreciation to Katie who first saw my profile and who helped me in my follow up calls, and to Bev for the last minute hand-holding. Thank you to the entire team for showing their trust and confidence in me. Honestly, you guys gave me the real break.
If you would like to know more about our service and what we can offer you, please give our consultants a call:
Recruitment in Berkshire
T: 0118 304 1877
Recruitment in Buckinghamshire
T: 01494 510 800
If you are registering for permanent work you will need to bring with you a form of identification which can be either a passport or birth certificate.